National Regulatory Framework in coordination with the reference Ministries, in which ASSOTIC has one or more representatives of Inspection Bodies:
- DPR 462/01
- Art. 71 del D.Lgs. 81/08 – DM 11/04/11
- Observatory on Concrete
List of EU Directives for which ASSOTIC has one or more representatives taking part in European coordination Groups:
- • 2014/33/EU – Lift Directive
- • 2010/35/EU – Directive on Transportable Pressure Equipment
- • 93/42/EU – Medical Device Directive
- • 89/686/EU – Personal Protective Equipment Directive
- • CPR 305/2011 – Construction Products Regulation
- • 2009/48/EU – Toys Directive
- • 2000/14/EU – Noise Directive
- • 2006/42/EU – Machinery Directive
Operationally, the approach for the representation that ASSOTIC has developed comprises two steps:
- • ASSOTIC meetings for the discussion and identification of topics and issues to bring to the Agenda in the European coordination meetings.
- • ASSOTIC meetings after coordination meetings, in which the decisions made during the meetings are examined.
Relying on experts made available by its Members and formally appointed by ASSOTIC ,the Association meets the requirement of national and EU coordination with the active participation in Specialised Groups, operating on a mandatory and regulated basis.
For every Technical Section there are pertinent Specialised Groups, committed to issues of common interest and aimed at achieving specific objectives or monitoring and updating the regulatory evolution of sector.
Some of the main results achieved by Specialised Groups concern the production of Technical documents and Guidelines, available to the reference Entities (e.g., Ministries, European Mirror Group, Accredia, etc..) or to explain regulatory elements.