The regulations governing the free circulation of goods in the EU to guarantee the compliance with the essential safety requirements, affect the activities of this Technical Section.
The certification activity on a mandatory basis concerns products falling within specific EU directives which provide safety requirements of workers, consumers and the protection of the environment. The compliance with safety standards, certified by the EC marking is a binding condition for the marketing of products throughout the European Union.
The Notified Body is a Certification Body or Testing Laboratory accredited by ACCREDIA and notified to the European Commission, which assess the conformity of products and services under the conditions dictated by the European Directives with expertise, transparency, neutrality and independence.
ASSOTIC represents the Notified Bodies of every sector and offers a valid support in the management of issues related to the relationship with the Institutions. ASSOTIC contributes to the simplification of Accreditation and Notification processes, with the objective to reduce costs at the expense of the operators of certificate of conformity, suggesting improvements for the efficiency of the assessment processes and for the reduction of redundant constraints.
That is why ASSOTIC takes part in the meetings with the institutional bodies on behalf of the members, which can make their voice heard and keep up to date on the revision of international standards.
The main objectives of the Technical Section “Notified Bodies pursuant to the EU regulation” are:
- • Representing the Notified Bodies, both in Italy and Europe, for technical, economic and political matters that have a direct impact on their activities.
- • Bringing the voice of the Notified Bodies to any assembly where laws, regulations and rules affecting their certification and inspection activities, are proposed, discussed and decided.
- • Discussing with the Italian and international Organisations to share the expertise of the Association and at the same time foster the harmonisation of laws and their interpretation.
Operationally, ASSOTIC takes part in national and/or international Coordination Committees on behalf of its members that discuss in Specialised Working Groups to share the common lines of interest.