Working Groups
The relationship with ACCREDIA, organisational and technical issues, the requirements of clients and sector regulations generated the birth of projects aiming at enhancing the role that accredited Testing and Calibration Laboratories played in ensuring quality and safety of products.
The Specialised Group LABORATORIES of ASSOTIC analyses the main issues lived by Testing and Calibration Laboratories in the accreditation activities and develops proposals for improvements related to the regulatory reviews and ACCREDIA regulations.
The Group discusses also about technical issues (e.g., good measurement practices, estimation of measurement uncertainty, new technologies and measurement methods, calibration interval), and management issues (e.g., harmonisation of accreditations, proficiency testing, personnel training, cooperation with metrology institutes).
The meetings of GS Laboratories represent also an important occasion to discuss about the preparation of proposals at national level to support ACCREDIA in the harmonisation process of the assessors and of improvement of the efficacy of the control exercised on accredited Laboratories.
As part of the initiatives implemented by ASSOTIC to represent the Italian Laboratories in the offices appointed to govern their activity through rules and regulations (European Commission, EA, ISO, ILAC, etc.), at European level the Group interfaces with the EUROLAB aisbl working groups to discuss about the technical requirements, economic interests, as well as the challenges of the global market that the Laboratories are facing.
EUROLAB aisbl is the European Federation of National Associations of Measurement, Testing and Analysis Laboratories, which organises several Technical Committees and Working Groups at international level.
The exclusive Italian participation of ASSOTIC of EUROLAB, allows to bring to the most authoritative international contexts the opinion of associated Laboratories in relation to economic, political and technical decisions that have a direct impact on their activities.
With the precious contribution of the ASSOTIC delegates who participate in the meetings of the BoA (Board of Administrators) and the TCQA (Technical Committee for Quality Assurance in Testing and Calibration), each ASSOTIC member can have timely and timely information on the activities of the European laboratory community .
The activities of the EUROLAB Specialist Group of ASSOTIC Association are carried out through cooperation with the main European organizations, the constant sharing of information, position papers, technical reports and newsletters, as well as participation in international seminars and working groups aimed at promoting economic development and social aspects of the Laboratories.
Working Groups
The relationship with ACCREDIA, the interpreting of sector regulations, the organisational methods for the implementation of requirements and the comparison with what happens at EA (European Accreditation) level, are issues that need an ongoing discussion between Certification and Inspection Bodies.
The Specialised Group ACCREDIA CERTIFICAZIONE of ASSOTIC deals with cross-cutting issues related to the accreditation on a voluntary and mandatory basis, providing its contribution to the requests of comments to ACCREDIA Circulars and Regulations.
In addition, ASSOTIC represents its Members with the presence of its representatives in the Governing Council and in the ACCREDIA Steering and Guarantee Committee.
The Working Group CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS of ASSOTIC deals issues relating to third-party inspections in the field of building and industrial construction and associated design, providing its own contribution and interfacing with ACCREDIA (ref. RT-07).
Working Groups
The European Union, as part of the risk due to the presence of potentially explosive atmospheres, has adopted the Directive 2014/34/EU, which was implemented in Italy with the Italian Legislative Decree 85/2016. 85/2016.
The Specialised Group ATEX of ASSOTIC offers the possibility of a technical and regulatory discussion on the assessment procedures to demonstrate the conformity of products intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, which require the intervention of Bodies Notified by the European Commission and accredited by ACCREDIA.
The EU Regulation CPR 305/2011 sets shared rules at European level for the EC marking and the marketing of building products. La certificazione dei prodotti da costruzione è un’attività svolta dagli Organismi Notificati dalla Commissione Europea.
The Specialised Group CPR of ASSOTIC takes active part in EU working groups of Advisory Groups and Sector Groups and interfaces with the competent Ministries taking also part in national Mirror Groups.
The EU Regulation 2017/745 has replaced the Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices, with important consequences for the Notified Bodies that shall comply with new international standards for the certification of products.
The Specialised Group MEDICAL DEVICES of ASSOTIC deals with the application of regulatory provisions and operating changes concerning not only the Notified Bodies, but also manufacturers, distributors and healthcare professionals.
WG DPI – Personal protective equipment
With the Italian Legislative Decree 17/2019 17/2019 the national regulation was adjusted to the EU Regulation 2016/425, which lays down requirements for the design, manufacture and placing on the market of personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as the process for the EC marking of the PPE by the Notified Bodies.
The Specialised Groups PPE of ASSOTIC deals with the consequences of the regulatory evolutions and conformity assessment procedures, interfacing with ACCREDIA and taking part in the meetings of the European Coordination Groups (PPE Working Group).
The Directive 2009/48/EC on the safety of toys defines criteria of conformity for placing the products on the European market, as well as essential safety requirements and the use of the EC marking.
The Specialised Group TOYS of ASSOTIC deals with the procedures for safety assessment, traceability and check of conformity of toys.
With the Italian Legislative Decree 17/2010 17/2010 the Directive 2006/42/EC was implemented in Italy, which sets the essential requirements for health and safety related to the design and construction of machineries, with the purpose to improve the safety pf products placed on the European market.
The Specialised Group MACHINERIES of ASSOTIC deals with the regulatory prescriptions to ensure the uniform interpretation and application by the Notified Bodies, interfacing with ACCREDIA and the European Commission that from time to time organises the meetings of the European coordination group (NB-Machinery).
The Directive 2000/14/EC requires manufacturers to comply with noise emission limits for some types of machineries and equipment for use outdoor. The intervention of Notified Bodies is compulsory for the noise marking of some types of machineries and equipment.
The Specialised Group NOISE of ASSOTIC deals with the operational issues for the measurement of the level of sound power and the procedures of conformity assessment, interfacing with ACCREDIA and the European Commission that from time to time organises the meetings of the European coordination group (Noise Expert Group).
The Directive PED 2014/68/EU governs the design, construction, outfit and secure installation of pressure equipment. The Directive SPV 2014/29/EU governs the simple pressure vessels at the time of their placing on the market. The requirements related to the operation and maintenance of the same equipment are conversely defined by the national regulations.
The Specialised Group PED of ASSOTIC deals with the regulatory provisions and operational issues of Notified Bodies, called to affix the EC marking on pressure equipment and ensure the compliance with the minimum requirements of all the applicable directives.
The Directive T-PED 2010/35/EU sets out the rules to be followed for the certification of transportable pressure equipment. Said equipment shall have a particular marking, indicated with the symbol π, compulsory for the commissioning and marketing within the European Union.
The certification procedure of this equipment entails a set of fulfilments for the manufacturer and a conformity assessment activity by the Notified Bodies.
The Specialised Group T-PED of ASSOTIC deals with the issues related to the placing on the market of transportable pressure equipment of new manufacturing and the conformity assessment of transportable pressure equipment in the market, interfacing with ACCREDIA, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and taking part in European Coordination Groups.
Working Groups
The checks of lifts are governed by the EU Directive 2014/33/EU implemented in the national system with the DPR 23/2017. The periodic and extraordinary checks of lifts in service are also governed by the Italian DPR 162/99.
The Specialised Group LIFTS of ASSOTIC interfaces, at national level, with the Ministry of the Economic Development and ACCREDIA and, at European level, with the European Commission, which organises from time to time the meetings of the European coordination group (NB-Lift).
The Notified Bodies and Inspection Bodies, operating under accreditation, discuss about technical issues related to testing and checks of lifts, sometimes also with the formalisation of specific questions to the Ministry and with the publication of check lists and interpreting guidelines.
WG ART.71 D.Lgs. 81/08 – DM 11/04/11
The checks of work equipment provided by Art. 71 of the Italian Legislative Decree 81/08 are performed by the Bodies Qualified by the Ministry of Labour, which established the Commission D.M. 11 April 2011 to manage their operation (with enabling and controlling functions of Qualified Entities).
The Specialised Group ART.71 of ASSOTIC interfaces with institutions (Commission, MdL, INAIL,…) to highlight critical issues and suggests elements of improvement on administrative, management and operational aspects related to the inspections of work equipment provided by art. 71 of the Italian Legislative Decree 81/08.
In addition, the SG Art. 71 develop guidelines and check lists, shared by members, through the analysis and interpretation of regulations, circulars or other institutional documents.
WG DPR 462/01
The checks of electrical systems governed by the Italian Presidential Decree DPR 462/01 are performed by Inspection Bodies by the Ministry of Economic Development and accredited by ACCREDIA.
The Specialised Group DPR 462/01 of ASSOTIC , besides dealing with technical and operational issues, cooperates with standardisation bodies (UNI, CEI) for the definition of legal and regulatory aspects concerning the checks of electrical systems, taking part with its representatives in working groups committed to regulatory reviews (e.g., reviews of the Guide CEI 0-14 and the Guide CEI 64-14).
In addition, the SG DPR 462/01 develop guidelines and check lists, shared by members, through the analysis and interpretation of regulations, circulars or other institutional documents to harmonise the conduct of Qualified Bodies authorised to carry out the inspection activities.
The measuring instruments with metric-legal functions, for the purposes of the commissioning, shall be manufactured in compliance with the requirements of the Directive MID 2014/32/EU concerning measuring instruments (scales, meters, conversion devices, taximeters, gas stations, etc.) and the Directive NAWI 2014/31/EU concerning non-automatic weighing instruments.
Said instruments shall bear the EC marking downstream of the declaration of conformity by a Notified Body. In addition, with the entry into force of the Italian Ministerial Decree 93/2017 the periodic check of metric instruments is carried out by Inspection Bodies accredited by ACCREDIA and recognised by Unioncamere.
The Specialised Group LEGAL METROLOGY of ASSOTIC deals with regulatory evolutions and procedures applicable for issuing the declaration of conformity on the basis of the type of product, as well as on the operational issues of periodic checks on measuring instruments.